COMPLETE BOAT, fully assembled, comprehensively fitted out to standard specification and ready to sail: £14950 including VAT @ 20%. This price will be held until Easter 2025 when the price will be increased by 4% for new orders.
A 5 year hull structural warranty is included. The price is very competitive when compared to similar dinghies, especially as our standard specification includes many items which suppliers of other dinghies do not include in their headline price – for example: carbon spars, sail, almost any combination of colours that you want (some colour options at extra cost), padded adjustable toestraps.
NOTE: As of early March 2025 we are able to supply your order within 10 weeks – and you will avoid the Easter 2025 price increase!

HULL, BUOYANCY and DECK MOULDINGS: moulded by WINDER BOATS. Carbon/epoxy/foam composite construction with gelcoat colours to owners choice (some colour restrictions apply and some colours attract a surcharge).
COMPREHENSIVE STANDARD FIT-OUT with Allen Brothers fittings & ropes by English Braids or Marlow Ropes. For full details, see Specification Page
GLASS/CARBON COMPOSITE RUDDER with custom Allen alloy rudder stock
LAMINATE SAIL in ZZ04 material by HD Sails
Additional charge for some colours (including white): £200
Waterline stripe in different gelcoat colour: £135
Entire hull below waterline in different gelcoat colour: £145
Rudder and centreboard in special colour (standard colour is white): £70
Harken blocks and cleats in place of Allen Brothers (standard specification): £205.
Allen Brothers centre main system with bridle and swivel jammer: £225
Allen Brothers mainsheet track and car fitted with controls as Winder Solo system: £635.
Allen Brothers mainsheet track and car system as above, in kit form for retro-fitting: £535 inc P&P.
Harken mainsheet track and car fitted with controls as Winder Solo system: £745.
Custom fit-out options by arrangement: POA (additional charge will include a minimum £100 labour/admin cost).
Custom Sovereign H2 Combi Trailer – 8 inch wheels, with light board and custom alloy trolley: £1429*.
Custom Sovereign H2 Combi Trailer – 10 inch wheels, with light board and custom alloy trolley: £1629*
Custom Sovereign H2 Combi Trailer – 8 inch wheels, with light board and custom galvanised trolley: £1355*
Custom Sovereign H2 Combi Trailer – 10 inch wheels, with light board and custom galvanised trolley: £1555*
Custom Sovereign H2 alloy trolley only: £529
Custom Sovereign H2 galvanised steel trolley only: £455.
Custom Mersea Trailers trolley for Mersea 250 trailer: £657.
Spare wheel, 8″. 400×8 6 ply: £47.
Spare wheel, 10″: 145R10 £65.
* Longer mast post (for large SUVs), £15 extra. Light board has 7 pin plug.
Sovereign trailer details
Rear mast support/Light board bracket with H2 logo: £75.
Light board bracket and number plate fitted to light board: £89
Light board bracket pictures
Tie-down bar for towing: the complete unit including extruded aluminium spreader bar and a ratchet strap: £195.
Tie-down bar pictures
Webbing tie-down strap with stainless D rings, for trailer: £49
Carbon compass bracket fitted on aft face of foredeck at centreline: £55
Allen A71M lower mast mounted Aerovane: £16.
HAWK masthead wind indicator fitted: £30.
Transom flaps (easy self-fit, 5mm polycarbonate): £60.
Transom flap photo
Large mesh bag for halyard, spares, water bottle etc, 50 x 28cm: £40.
Custom fitted top cover in waterproof/breathable Hydralite material by RainandSun Covers: £314.
Custom fitted bottom cover in Duralite waterproof/breathable material by RainandSun Covers: £199.
Custom fitted bottom cover in coated polyester by Creation Covers: £170
Padded rudder bag by Creation Covers: £58.
Full mast bag by Creation Covers: £120.
Rudder lift rope fitted to stock: £35.
Small sail by HD Sails (approved for racing on equal terms with standard sail): £1040
Draft stripes added to sail (choice of colours): £60
Replacement halyard (wire strop and rope tail): £27 + £4 P&P
Pair of 1×19 shrouds for SUPER SPARS mast including integral spreader ends: £62 + £6 P&P
Pair of 1×19 shrouds for SELDEN mast, including Dyneema forestay: £85 + £6 P&P
Replacement set of toestraps (forward pair are padded): £80 + £6
Vang Prodder Assembly (reduces forward thrust of standard kicking strap configuration): £115 + £6 P&P
Prodder Assembly Guide
The following items are included in the price of a new H2 (delivery extra if replacements are ordered separately):
H2 sail by HD Sails: £1155
Carbon mast (ex rigging): £1945
Carbon boom: From £505
Note that replacement sails are available only from Hadron Dinghies: email your order to Keith Callaghan at: keith@hadrondinghy.com
You can see a draft Sale Agreement HERE.
Prices are ex works (Kirby-le-Soken, Essex) and include VAT where applicable.
Prices may be subject to change (upwards, regrettably).
TO ORDER YOUR H2 and/or accessories from HADRON DINGHIES Ltd email Keith Callaghan at: keith@hadrondinghy.com
Hadron Dinghies Ltd reserve the right to change without notice details of the specification of the Hadron H2, as allowed within the Hadron H2 Class Rules. Note that replacement spars and sails conforming to the H2 Class Rules may only be purchased from Hadron Dinghies Ltd
Hadron Dinghies Ltd. Registered office: 7 Ramsey Road, Hadleigh, IPSWICH, IP7 6AN. Company number: 9720479, registered in England & Wales. VAT reg no.: 252 4511 31 GB
Directors: Simon Hipkin, Keith Callaghan. Tel. +44 (0)7906 396403