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3 Responses to P1000829

  1. andrew hague says:

    I have been a Solo owner for 5 years but my age is catching up and now have difficulty in getting back in the boat after a capsize. (The speed of inversion doesn’t help either !) I sail at Ripon S.C. n.York’s a challenging area of water with lots of quite powerful gusts on a windy day .Lots of streakers ( 13stone ..too heavy!!),Solos (I’m fleet rep) and a growing no. of aeros a few supernovas .I saw the Hadron in the online Y&Y looks a lovely boat!! I’m 68 but a quite fit 13 stone hopefully the Hadron will extend my racing life .Honest comments please. No rush as I am committed to soloing for this season but will be coming to the dinghy show next year (hopefully placing a “show” order !!) I look forward to getting your thoughts on your boat for the older sailor best wishes Andy Hague.

    • HDLadmin says:

      Andrew, apologies for the delay in responding to your comment – I have been abroad for a few days and have just returned. May I suggest that you look on my Facebook page at – you will find some recent comments from early purchasers and others who have had a go in the H2. Age 68 and 13 stone is just fine for the H2 – David Henshall is just a bit younger and a bit heavier than you and has been sailing an H2 at Netley SC all this week – see what he has to say about the boat on my Facebook page under ‘Visitor Posts’. As for myself, I’m 70 this month and am just under 12 st. and I’m having great fun with the boat! If you email me at I can pass on your enquiries to the early customers who I am sure will give you their candid views on the H2.
      Best regards
      Keith Callaghan

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